Tag Archives: Energetic kids

How Parents Can Help Energetic Kids Get Focused

How Parents Can Help Energetic Kids Focused Aussie Kids
Many kids these days can’t seem to sit still and their parents wonder if there is anything they can do. For some kids, the distractions give them a different way to look at their environment and when there are memory and concentration problems, a lot of kids can find they have difficulty in school which can have them feeling pretty bad.


The big question is, how can parents find activities that engage and inspire their energetic kids so they can succeed? Here are some tips on helping them find focus.


*Be Flexible – In order for kids to find their thing, they may need to try a few different activities and see which one they enjoy the most. Giving them the opportunity to do that without becoming frustrated is essential.


*Limited Distractions – Some kids find it distracting when there is too much noise and activity around them. Sports like hockey and football may seem like a good fit but the noise can distract them from getting focused. Although many parents disregard golf because it requires focus and concentration, they may be surprised when their kid thrives in the environment on the course.


*Set Goals – Working on smaller goals can help kids to avoid becoming overwhelmed. When active kids have too much going on, they tend to be less focused and don’t do well at any of them. Choose one thing at a time to work on can offer less distraction.


*Building Confidence – It’s important for kids to find some success so they can build confidence and learn to trust themselves, but they have to find success on their own. Doing it for them isn’t helpful. Allowing them to keep at it, even when they fail will give them much more self worth when they succeed.


*Showing Support – Everyone needs someone they can count on, even when things aren’t going well. Listening to them and allowing them to work hard will let them know you’re there for them.

Could Golf Be Their Thing?


Many parents of active kids automatically think of sports like gymnastics or baseball when considering an after school activity, but golf may be a better fit. With opportunities for group or private lessons as well as the focus that the game requires, many overactive kids find that the environment to be just what they need to calm down. The golf course has very limited distractions and with quiet being a must to play, it can be the perfect fit for kids who have trouble staying still.



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