Tag Archives: golf tips for kids

5 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Putting

Chipping and putting are two of the most fundamental parts of mastering your golf game. Despite this, many adults tend to spend a lot more time on the practice range than they do the practice green. This is why we think that it’s so important to start your kids off right when it comes to learning improve-childs-puttingto putt. By starting good habits at a young age, it will become ingrained in them as adults, and they will be able to drastically improve their game.


At Aussie Kids Golf Academy, we design every aspect of our training so that it emphasizes the fun and excitement that comes along with the game. Because we want our kids to love golf and be excited by it, we employ teaching styles and techniques that foster a fun, positive learning environment. Putting is a concept that takes a lot of practice and focus to truly master, so we have compiled a few of our favorite tips below that will help your child build confidence in his or her putting skills.

1. Play More and Teach Less


Children have notoriously short attention spans, and that’s okay. When you’re young, you want to explore and experience things instead of being told to pay attention to someone lecturing you.


Keep your lessons short and simple. Use words they will understand. Get down on their level when you speak to them. Above all else, let them play. Show them that every aspect of golf is fun, and they will gravitate towards becoming more focused and interested in the nuances of the game on their own.


2. Lend a Helping Hand


You should absolutely let your child try and fail when it comes to learning a new concept. Nobody ever learns the right way until they’ve made a few mistakes. However, you should also remember that some of the things we take for granted as adults are major obstacles to a young child.


Don’t let your child get so frustrated with the small things that they lose interest in the game itself. Watch for signs of frustration, and be willing to help at all times.

3. Show, Don’t Tell


There’s a reason that children’s books are always filled with bright, interesting pictures. Kids are great visual and tactile learners, so your lessons should reflect that.


Rather than using proper terminology and long explanations, show your child the correct way to grip or exactly how your feet should look during a putt. You can point out the explanations as you go along, but it’s more important to give your child a visual to follow.


Games are a great way to do this too. Turning practice drills into games can change something tedious, like learning to control your putt, into something exciting.


One particular game called “two putt” is a simple way to make the lesson of control more fun. You simply need one golf ball and a putter for each of you. Drop your balls on the green, and choose a hole to putt towards. If you get the ball in one putt, that’s one point. A two-putt is zero points, and three putts costs you a point. By only rewarding the one putt, it forces the child to focus on controlling the speed of the initial putt.

4. Make Etiquette a Priority


Your child is never too young to learn proper putting etiquette. Not only will this instill good manners and respect for other golfers, but it will make sure everyone stays safe.


In spite of their excitement, kids should learn quickly that it’s never okay to run or yell on a golf course. Don’t nag or scold; simply give them gentle reminders about how the game must be played. This goes for rules of safety and courtesy as well. Children should learn early on to never step into a putter’s line, and they should understand what it means to tend the flag for fellow golfers.


Another important rule is dress code. Unlike many other sports, golf requires a more polished appearance. Help your child follow the dress code by getting a special outfit or two that can only be worn while golfing.


Finally, teach your child to take care of the golf course. Show your child how to use the divot tool, the correct way to rake sand in bunkers and how to repair divots made in the ground.


5. Give Praise Freely


For young children, it’s more important to reinforce positive feelings than give correction. Kids tend to think of things as either “fun” or “not fun,” and receiving constant critiques will make the game seem “not fun” because the child may feel like he or she is “doing it wrong.”


Rather than pointing out when your child makes a mistake, find something positive to say. For example, even if the putt was too forceful, you can praise your child’s form or swing. If your child’s grip was off, compliment the control of the putt instead.


There will always be time to correct mistakes later on. In the early stages, it’s much more important to foster enjoyment and interest.


Let Aussie Kids Golf Academy Improve Your Child’s Game


Our training programs are designed to help children as young as three develop a love for golf. We hold group lessons, private lessons and summer camps all focused on creating good golfing habits, building confidence and instilling the skills needed to perform with pride and success.

Junior Golf Tournaments in Atlanta

Aussie Kids Golfing Academy-Junior Golf Tournaments in Atlanta

Preparing for Georgia Junior Golf Tournaments

Besides the lifelong friendships that your child will likely develop with peers, parents, and instructors during their golf training sessions, they are also preparing themselves to compete for golf scholarships. If they are interested when the time comes to head off to college, your child could qualify for athletic scholarships that are based on their performance in junior golf tournaments. If you`re a resident of the greater Atlanta metropolitan area, you can enroll your child as a member in Georgia Junior Golf where they can compete in golf tournaments as early as seven years old.
If you would like for your child to learn a fun sport as well as the foundations of sportsmanship, then Aussie Kids’ golf training programs are to be seriously considered. Young children who participate in our programs go to junior golf tournaments prepared to compete against and make friends with some of the state’s best future golfers.

Benefits of Early Golf Training for Children

The golf course has been and remains the primary place where deals are done in Western society. In fact, many details of mergers, acquisitions, and new partnerships are crafted on the greens long before formal boardroom meetings take place. One way to set your child up for success in the business world and in life is to get them interested in the game of golf early.
Golf training with a professional firm like Aussie Kids can start as early as three years old. While you may think that the age of three is a bit early to start grooming the next Fred Couples or Kathy Whitworth, there are many good reasons why your child should start developing his or her swing as early as possible.
For starters, golf training helps them to develop mentally as well as physical coordination. Since height and build have little to do with a golfer’s success, your child has the same opportunities to succeed at the sport as any other child who puts forth the effort to train. Just like any other sport, learning to golf builds confidence, and golf is a much safer activity than other sports such as football, soccer, and basketball.
Many successful people from all walks of life have been avid golfers. Heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis, statesman Winston Churchill, actress Katharine Hepburn and even Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders were all passionate golfers. Subsequently, the golf course has been known throughout recent history as the place where successful people hang out. It definitely offers excellent networking opportunities for skilled players who exercise the right course etiquette. Aussie Kids can get your child on his or her way to developing the skills and positive attitude that they need to win on the golf course and in life.

<Click here for more information on why you should get your kids into golf today!


Kids Winter Golf Classes in Atlanta

Aussie Kids-Kids Winter Golf Classes in AtlantaAll children desire to be a part of a group, and self-esteem is vital to their success at all stages of their lives. If you are looking for a fun way to help your child build confidence, get in shape and meet new friends, you have come to the right place. Our team is proud to host the kids winter golf classes at Aussie Kids Golfing Academy for the chilly season, and we hope to see your child when we get started!

We gladly welcome children ages 4 to 17, and classes begin Monday, Nov. 27, and run until March 3, 2018. If you are curious about the benefits your child can gain from joining us, the following information will point you in the right direction so that you can make your decision with peace of mind.

Build Confidence with Golf

Rather than coming naturally, confidence is something that children must work to achieve, and we can help. Here at Aussie Kids Golf Academy, we teach children of all skill levels, and those who remain dedicated to the process will enhance their skills as time passes. When children can see the improvements in their abilities, they will know that they can also gain skills in other areas.They will understand that they can do almost anything to which they set their minds when they are willing to practice and put in the effort. The confidence boost that children gain from this process will empower them to chase their dreams.
Since we know it is tough to practice sports in the winter time, we set up a winter session for our little golfers that will help understand that they can do almost anything to which they set their minds when they are willing to practice and put in the effort. We don’t let the cold winter stop our Academy! The confidence boost that children gain from this process will empower them to chase their dreams all year round.

Golf Builds Social Skills

Whether it comes to going to college, getting a job, forming friendships or something else, social skills are a critical piece of the puzzle and will impact your child’s quality of life. Children who attend the Aussie Kids Golf Academy will spend time with their peers in an environment that promotes cooperation.

Our golf school facilitates the growth and interaction with others in a positive way and to form meaningful friendships that can last a lifetime. Meeting people from a range of backgrounds and walks of life will empower children to thrive in almost any social setting they encounter. When children are enrolled in a sport while they are developing their social skills at an early age, they will be armed with the needed tools to connect with others on a meaningful level. Additionally, golfing can teach them competitive skills, collaboration skills, and the ability to work in a team or individually.

Learn to Set Goals

Goal setting and achievement is a critical skill that you can’t afford to overlook.  Our coaches are trained and experienced in working with children of all skill levels and learning styles, they will always push students slightly beyond their comfort zones, empowering them to enhance their abilities. It is important for us at the Aussie Kids Golf Academy to show our kids that even though things may be tough to follow through with, it is always important to set short- and long-term goals. We teach our students to break their goals into small chunks that are easy to reach, and each milestone will serve to enhance their motivation. We know it’s not as fun or easy to participate in sports during the colder and crummy weather season, but we make it a point to keep our Aussie Kids active!

Enhance Focus

The ability to maintain focus is critical for anyone who wants to achieve sustainable levels of success, and learning to play golf is an incredible way for children to work on their focus. Mastering the sport requires students to pay attention to the lesson plan, but they will also need to focus on their grip, the location of the ball, the environment and more. Like a muscle, the ability to focus can be strengthened with practice, and we will guide them at each step.

Enrollment in Aussie Kids Winter Classes

Enrolling your children in the Aussie Kids Golfing Academy will give them the tools and skills that they need to overcome life’s many challenges. Not only will they build confidence and self-esteem, but they will also create memories. Allow your kids to learn the important skills in their life while having fun in the winter time!

How Old Is Old Enough To Start Your Kids Golfing?

Aussie Kids-How old is old enough to start your kids golfing
Getting your child interested in golf can realistically happen at any age. So, how old is old enough to start your kids golfing? There is no “correct” answer to this question, but most experts agree that the best time to begin is when your child shows curiosity about playing.
If golf is not already a sport that your family plays, you can always use golf simulator games to introduce the idea of the sport to them in order to see if there is an interest. The most important thing to remember is that your approach should initially be hands-off, meaning that you expose your child to the game and let the excitement come organically.

Let Aussie Kids Golf Academy Make Golf Fun For Your Child

At Aussie Kids Golf Academy, there is a variety of group and private sessions to choose from. We also offer camps and special programs for children of all ages. Contact us at one of our two locations today to schedule a tour or have your questions answered by one of our friendly staff members. Let’s start together!

What Age Range is Appropriate to Introduce Golf?

While most of us have seen the video clips of a toddler Tiger Woods on the green, it is not necessarily realistic to expect your own toddler to have that kind of coordination or patience. Remember, children are still experiencing leaps and bounds in their physical and mental development in their toddler years, so it is not unusual for them to have short attention spans or uncoordinated movements.
Of course, you know your child’s development better than anyone else, so if you feel like your child is ready to start swinging a club at age two or three then there is no harm in that. In fact, Aussie Kids Golf Academy even offers group lessons for children as young as three years old.

Getting Your Child Interested in Golf

If you or someone in your family plays golf, you can take your child to a driving range or tag along during a short game to foster excitement about the sport. If you’re an enthusiast who doesn’t play, consider taking your child to a golf tournament and see if that sparks an interest.
Another way to gauge your child’s interest in golf is to schedule a private lesson or two and let the instructor give you some insight about what the best plan of action will be. Some children will take to the instruction right away, but others may not be ready for structured lessons just yet.

Benefits of Formal Instruction

Again, this may be different for each child, but in general, once kids are old enough to start school or daycare, they are old enough to begin formal lessons. By this time, they typically have the appropriate level of focus and cognition that is necessary to benefit from golf lessons.
Giving children an opportunity to take golf lessons will do much more than simply hone their skills in the sport. Golf is a game that requires precision, discipline, and critical thinking, so all of these skills will also be developed as your child grows and becomes better in the sport.
In addition, golf can lay the foundation for positive character development and help your child acquire the skills necessary to succeed in other sports and non-athletic pursuits. To instill a love of overcoming challenges while your child is young will set the foundation for mental models that will be useful later in life.
As a parent, it is important for you to be encouraging and allow your child to have fun with golf. Once a sport no longer is fun, the child often loses interest and misses out on all of the benefits. We at Aussie Kids Golf Academy strive to make golfing fun, interesting and stimulating all year round for our kids.

6 Tips for Taking Your Kids Golfing

Aussie Kids-8 tips for taking your kids golfingHave you always pictured golf as a game that only adults enjoy or benefit from? The reality is that young children can get a great deal of enjoyment and health benefits from playing golf as well. At Aussie Kids Golf Academy, we believe that the game of golf has a lot to offer to children of all ages and from all backgrounds. Golf teaches important life skills in a fun and family-centered environment that promotes ease of learning and the development of many new skills. Please contact us today if you have questions or would like to discuss our various enrollment options. Here are 6 tips we’ve come up with for taking your kids golfing.


Tips for Making Your Golf Session More Enjoyable

The prospect of engaging in a brand new activity with a young child can be daunting. Children are prone to mood swings when they tire out or get hungry, for example. They may also be easily discouraged as they learn the ins and outs of a brand new sport. However, there are many things you as a parent can do to make the experience more enriching for everyone involved. The following list is a good place to start.

  • Bring Snacks and Drinks
    You know your child’s hunger and thirst patterns better than anyone else. If you feel your child might get hungry or thirsty while on the course, it’s best to bring along light snacks and hydrating drinks that you know they’ll appreciate.
  • Bring an Umbrella
    A large umbrella can protect you from the bright sun and any other weather elements that might crop up. Unprotected sun exposure isn’t recommended, especially for a young child’s delicate skin. Additionally, too much time in the sun could make your child restless or tired.
  • Bring a Friend or Sibling
    If you think your child would enjoy company, it may be wise to bring along a friend or a sibling. In between plays on the golf course, they can have a buddy to play with.
  • Purchase Special Equipment
    You can make the game even more exciting by purchasing some inexpensive gold equipment just for your child. It could be something as simple as bright colored gold balls that are all his own.
  • Dress Appropriately
    If you’re going to be on the golf course, you may as well dress the part. Golf professionals and newbies alike often prefer the comfort of collared shirts. The same shirts that are available in clothing stores all over the country as part of their back-to-school clothing choices will work just fine on the golf course as well. Old Navy and Gap are two of many stores offering these types of shirts.
  • Be Encouraging and Patient
    Perhaps the best thing of all that you can do as a parent is to be patient and to encourage your child to simply do his best and enjoy the game. Young children will likely run low on stamina and patience themselves. They may get frustrated, especially in the beginning as they are picking up new skills. However, they’re much more likely to enjoy the game and stick with it for the long term if they experience the joyous encouragement of their parents and other loved ones.

Golf is a safe, contact-free sport that offers many physical, emotional, and social benefits to children of all ages. Additionally, golf is a family-oriented game that parents and children can engage in together, creating the opportunity to expand on your existing relationship with your young children. Golf offers the further development of many social skills and teaches valuable life lessons that can benefit your child for years to come.

Best Place to Buy Golf Clubs for Kids

Aussie Kids-Best Place To Buy Golf ClubsNot only will children make friends on the golf course, they’ll get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Unlike football and soccer, which involve physical contact with other players, golf is a relatively safe sport. Although occasional muscle injuries and sunburns can affect a young golfer’s well-being, it’s a low-risk sport that teaches so many valuable lessons and distracts kids from otherwise negative activities.

Junior golfers also acquire basic etiquette skills that will serve them well in school and business someday. Children gain self-confidence, improve basic math skills and learn how to problem solve while they’re on the golf course.

Since anyone can play golf, children learn about diversity and how to get along with others who are different than themselves. Proper behavior, including the ability to control one’s emotions, can improve a child’s behavior at school and help them make new friends wherever they go. When children have golf buddies, they aren’t as tempted to succumb to peer pressure or join a gang while searching for acceptance.

Last, but not least, kids who play golf with friends and family spend less time using electronic devices. You can’t stare at a phone or tablet when there’s a beautifully-manicured course in front of you.

As you can see, children who play golf have a clear advantage. The only thing you need to do is outfit them with the proper equipment and find a certified coach near you.


What To Buy
If you’re a parent without a lot of knowledge on the game of golf, you may be wondering where to start. Unlike experienced adult golfers, there is really no need for a young child to carry the standard 14 clubs. Many pros suggest simply starting with a wedge and a putter, then adding irons, hybrids and drivers as the child progresses.

You’ll want to pay a great deal of attention to the height and strength of the child when choosing clubs since young golfers often struggle to launch the balls a great distance. U.S. Kids Golf specializes in outfitting players ages 4-12. They offer nine club sizes ranging from 39-to-63 inches in height.

By the time your little golfer reaches age 10, they should have between 12 and 14 clubs. Look for a retailer that offers a buy-back program. U.S. Kids Golf accepts trade-ins when young golfers graduate to the next size up.

Stores that specialize in kids’ golf equipment, such as U.S. Kids Golf, are known for their ultralight clubs and their reasonably priced certified coaching. They also offer local tours, which is a fantastic way for your junior golfer to gain experience and make more friends. Compare U.S. Kids Golf equipment and prices with Taylormade. It’s worth adding that U.S. Kids Golf customers receive every sixth club for free!

By the time your child is playing in tournaments regularly, you’ll want to consider investing in titanium drivers. Aluminum drivers cannot launch the ball as far and will affect overall performance. Kids need golf clubs that are light but high-quality, like those found at U.S. Kids Golf.

When it comes to choosing a golf ball, go with soft compression balls. They are ideal for slower swings that do not generate much spin. Slow swingers (children who average slower than 70 miles per hour) will require compression in the mid-50s.

For more advice on choosing equipment and balls for your junior golfer, visit U.S. Kids Golf at http://www.uskidsgolf.com. You’re only a click away from your child’s brighter future.

Best Colleges for Golf Scholarships

Aussie Kids-Best Colleges for Golf ScholarshipsIf you want to get your children’s lives started in the right direction, planning for their college fund is a vital part of the puzzle that you don’t want to ignore. Even if you start saving now, paying for your children to go to college can place a lot of stress on your budget, but you can use golf scholarships to combat the problem. You can find many schools that will accept golf scholarships, and your children will get the education they need to chase their dreams. Before you make your final decision, you should review the top colleges, which will help you move forward with confidence.


Top Colleges for Golf Scholarships

Depending on the line of schooling your child wants to pursue, there are a number of Colleges and Universities that will accommodate a golf scholarship.

  • If your children want to obtain a career related to computer science, they can use a golf scholarship to attend the Georgia Institute of Technology, and students who demonstrate exceptional golf skills can have their tuition reduced or eliminated.
  • If you believe that your children might want to try a private college, they attend go to Florida Southern College once they obtain a golf scholarship. This school is located in Lakeland and provides students with tools that will empower them to succeed in life.
  • If you have daughters who would like to benefit from a golf scholarship, you can send them to Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.
  • If your child located in or is looking to head toward the west coast, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) offers a great cirriculum for an array of subjects and majors for golf scholarship holders.


Benefits of Learning How to Play Golf
In addition to helping students earn attractive scholarships, learning to play golf offers a range of undeniable benefits. Since mastering this sport requires time and hard work, students will develop the self-discipline that will help them in every area of life. Improving their golf skills will show students the importance of setting short- and long-term goals, enabling them to understand that they can achieve anything to which they set their minds. Also, learning to golf allows students to acquire athletic skills that will help them succeed in other sports.


Aussie Kids

If you would like your children to have access to amazing golf coaches who will help them reach their goals, you will need to find a trusted golf school. At Aussie Kids, we have a team of instructors who are experienced with guiding children of all ages and skill levels. Our facility has a range of classes and pricing options, and you won’t have any trouble finding a program that is right for you, your children and your budget.

Whether you want standard or private classes, we can meet your needs in a way that you won’t soon forget. When you enroll your children into one of our programs, we will arm them with the knowledge and mindset needed to play with confidence, and the scholarship for which they have been hoping will be just around the corner.


Getting Started

Not only will golf skills help your children get into college, but they will also allow them to develop talents that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. If you want to get started and to give your children the boost they need, you can contact Aussie Kids for more information. When you speak with our team, we will answer your questions and address your concerns, and we look forward to serving you.

How To Prepare Your Child to Play Golf in College

prepare your child to play golf in collegeHas your child expressed an interest in playing college golf? If so, you may find that you have a lot of questions about how to help him or her find the right college, how to connect with recruiters, and what questions you need to ask them. The following information has been put together to show you how to prepare your child to play golf in college.

Connecting With College Recruiters

It may seem like a daunting task to even get started on the prospect of connecting with college golf recruiters and learning the appropriate questions to ask them. The following frequently asked questions and their answers will help you get a good start at the college recruiting process.

When should your child begin researching and visiting colleges?

Ideally, your child should start the process of visiting colleges and researching programs offered by the time they are in 9th or 10th grade. This is a process that takes a good amount of time in many cases, and your child will not want to feel they have to rush to make a decision.

It’s also important to not rule out visiting certain colleges simply because your child has a preconceived notion that he won’t be interested in attending school there. Visiting colleges even where there may be little interest currently can still provide useful tips and can be an important part of the learning process in deciding on a specific school.

What is Your Role as a Parent in the Recruiting Process?

The best thing as a parent can do is to be a source of encouragement for your child during this sometimes overwhelming and stressful transition. Provide your own success stories from your college days to show your child you understand what they’re going through and that you also overcame challenges to have a successful college career. Help them manage their time wisely and set proper goals to strive for. Help your child plan visits to colleges and attend with them when possible. Last but not least, help them develop a series of questions to ask when they meet with possible recruiters.

How Do College Coaches Work Junior Golf Tournaments?

Many college coaches spend as many as 30 days per year travelling with the intent of recruiting. During this time, they will attend a dozen or so junior tournaments to watch for talented young players that they wish to recruit. Coaches are watching for skilled players who are focused and have good techniques, and they will also watch how players respond to stress and how they interact with team members. Dealing with adversity and stress well and treating other players and coaches appropriately shows the level of maturity that these recruiters are looking for.

Do Golf Coaches Really Care About Academics?

College bound students remain students first and foremost, and athletes second. Coaches and recruiters do care very much about your child’s academic performance and career. College entrance requirements are such that students must generally score a specific amount on SAT testing to even be considered for entrance to the school, so maintaining a good grade point average is important. Additionally, students who are dedicated to their academic success show that they are reliable, hard working, and mature, all of which are positive qualities that recruiters look for.

As a parent, you serve the important role of helping your child on this journey to the next phase of his life. Helping him set goals, make good use of his time, and know the right questions to ask recruiters will all prove to be a guiding force as he takes the next steps and enters his college career. We hope this information helped you learn how to prepare your child to play golf in college.

Making the Transition to College Life

Transitioning to college life can be a daunting task for young adults. It signifies newly found freedom, but along with this comes the importance of learning to balance school studies, sports, and relaxation time as well.

Likely he will find himself with new responsibilities such as maintaining part time employment while juggling studying for exams, playing sports, and still making time for friends. Time management is important because we all are only given the same amount of time in a day. We have to prioritize what is most important to complete and plan our day accordingly. Teach your child to manage his time wisely so that he can meet the new demands that will be placed before him during his college years.

Balancing School, Work, Sports, and Entertainment

Dedicating oneself to a college sport means that certain sacrifices are going to need to be made in order to practice regularly. Time is usually taken away from parties, going out with friends, and other social events in order to further dedicate oneself to improving their skill level within their chosen sport. On top of these demands, many young adults work at least part time through college and of course they also have classes, homework, tests, and papers to keep up with.

Appropriate balance is needed to ensure your child doesn’t burn himself out but that he also doesn’t fall into the habit of overdoing the fun aspects of college life and letting important things slide.

Setting Appropriate Goals

If you instill in your child the significance and importance of setting smart goals, he will be fully equipped to better handle the challenges that college life will bring. Ideally, goals should be specific and measurable, allowing your child to see his success first hand by working hard and dedicating himself to the completion of his goal.

Golf Tips For Kids

Golf Tips For Kids Aussie KidsIf you love the game of golf, most likely, you’ll want to pass your love of the game on to your kids. So if you are planning on taking your kids out to teach them how to play, there are a few things to remember.

First of all, how you teach them will depend on their age. For smaller kids, it’s important to let them just get a feel for their club and have fun. Although you probably want them to learn the correct way, when kids are young, they won’t care about that, and getting forceful with them will most likely turn them off to playing because it’s not fun. It’s best to make sure that playing is fun and as they become ready, teach them about the game little by little.


For older kids, you want to teach them correctly but remember to focus on one or two skills at a time because if they become overwhelmed and frustrated they will lose interest and that would be a real shame.


Here are five tips on how to teach kids how to play golf.


  • Make it fun. If kids are having fun, they will want to learn more and more. Incorporating games that teach a skill is a great way to teach them, and the best part is that they are enjoying it so much they don’t realize they are learning.


  • Start with putting. Putting is such a vital part of scoring and also a pretty simple stroke. Kids of every age can usually find success and that keeps them excited and motivated to continue.


  • Putt from various distances. Like playing horse in basketball teaches us to shoot from around the court, putting from different distances teaches them to have precision. You can make a game out of it and have them putt from 1 foot out, then 3 feet out and then maybe 6 feet out etc.


  • Add additional strokes and teach lessons on form. As they start to master one stroke, incorporate other strokes from easy to more difficult over time. As they become more comfortable, they will gain confidence and want to do better. Start to focus on how to hold clubs, the correct form for taking shots and the rules of the game.


  • Take time for teachable moments. It’s important to learn to do things correctly. Learning about the rules, keeping score and learning about golf etiquette are vital. It won’t help them if you tell them they doing great when they’re not. It’s important to be honest about how they can improve.


As a parent, it can be difficult to teach your own kids to play. They will sense it when you become frustrated or angry and will not want to continue. If you want your kids to enjoy golf as much as you do, getting them in golf lessons for their age group is a great introduction. They will learn from professionals who have experience teaching kids and your kids will learn how to play while meeting other kids who love the game. It’s a win-win for everyone.


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